The average house price on FAIROAK CLOSE is £999,317
The most expensive house in the street is 1 FAIROAK CLOSE with an estimated value of £1,504,304
The cheapest house in the street is 3 FAIROAK CLOSE with an estimated value of £779,364
The house which was most recently sold was 15 FAIROAK CLOSE, this sold on 3 Dec 2020 for £740,000
The postcode for FAIROAK CLOSE is CR8 5LJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 FAIROAK CLOSE Detached £1,504,304 £265,000 23 Jun 1995
3 FAIROAK CLOSE Detached £779,364 £445,500 19 Jun 2006
4 FAIROAK CLOSE Detached , 136 m2 £855,216 £522,500 15 Nov 2013
5 FAIROAK CLOSE Detached £862,846 £152,000 9 Jun 1995
9 FAIROAK CLOSE Detached , 172 m2 £1,043,556 £220,000 11 May 1998
11 FAIROAK CLOSE Detached , 140 m2 £1,011,564 £215,000 10 Jul 1998
13 FAIROAK CLOSE Detached £1,034,687 £389,500 29 Oct 2002
14 FAIROAK CLOSE Detached £1,046,725 £317,000 6 Sep 2001
15 FAIROAK CLOSE Detached , 137 m2 £855,595 £740,000 3 Dec 2020